Grace Harbor Church

January 2024 Report

"Please pray for conversations"
Post Date: 2/5/2024
Author: Nathan Brewer

Happy New Year to our brothers and sisters of the BMA of Oklahoma! January was relatively low key for us, but the few significant moments we did experience are worth sharing.Last week, I was in the home of one of my muslim neighbors who had 16 other fellow muslim men there, including one who is revered as a leader in the muslim community here. Along with these men, sat four Americans who work for a local organization dedicated to the civil rights of muslims. We most certainly desire for all men and women to be protected under the law here, but these folks were specifically engaged with how to bolster the faith of these neighbors. It was in this meeting that the one leader in the room admitted that neither he nor any of the men in the room were able to read or understand their holy book for themselves, and desperately desire for this organization to provide someone to teach them.To me, this was a a shocking admission. In a culture that is often known as an “honor and shame” culture, this level of vulnerability can only be seen as an opportunity to be a Christian in proximity to these men, and to share the simple news of the life-changing Gospel. What if these men knew there was a God who could not only be known, but has willingly revealed himself to us through his Son, Jesus Christ? And that we are able to relate with him because of his initiative to dwell among us?I will be spending several hours this coming weekend with one of these afghan men working side-by-side on a job. Please pray for conversations with him.

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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