New Generation Baptist Chruch

July 2023 Report

"My example and mentor"
Post Date: 7/31/2023
Author: Steve Puckett

Below are some excerpts from Brother Chris’s monthly report: 

We need your prayers!  Lynn’s sister, Donni, who has been faithfully attending our church services online all the way from Nevada has had complications with a recent surgery and has been in ICU for several weeks.  We say that our church is “tiny but mighty” because the Lord answers all of our prayers. We need them more than ever!  Lynn has traveled to the Mayo Clinic in Arizona to be with her and has only recently returned. 

I just want to say I’m thankful for Steve and Lynn’s influence in my life and in the church for many years.  Steve has been my example and mentor in evangelism and ministry in general, and there have been countless stories of lives that have been touched, especially among some of the most needy and underserved people in Norman.  I’m thankful that through their leadership we have had the opportunity to love and serve so many of these people in Norman and the surrounding region that no other churches have been reaching.  And I think it’s a powerful testimony of the Lord’s love and faithfulness working through our church, that we have been consistently serving the homeless and needy population of Norman for many years now by partnering with the ministries of Mission Norman, Church in the Park, and Food and Shelter for Friends, as well as practicing our own evangelism, follow up and discipleship efforts within our own church. 

In terms of the number of weekly attendees and in the eyes of the world, it would seem that our church has not been very successful.  I don’t think I have seen the number fluctuate much from the 15 people on average that gather on any given Sunday online and in person to hear the preaching of God’s word.  But I believe in my heart, that in God’s eyes, the mission that God has called Steve and Lynn to, here at New Generation, has been an overwhelming success!  Since the beginning, Steve has consistently pounded the drum of evangelism and discipleship and we have always focused these efforts on people that need it the most.  Steve and Lynn have been unwavering in their faithfulness to God’s word and God’s Great Commission here in Norman and have always done this with God’s wisdom and discernment and love.   

The fruit of their labor is too much to be counted as we consider all of the fond memories and precious souls that have gathered in our fellowship and have come and gone over the years, and I count it a great success that through their ministry, that not one, but two ministers of the gospel have been raised up in our church! (Luis and myself)  So it has become obvious that through Steve’s wise leadership, God not only intends to serve the homeless and needy with the gospel, or just English speakers in our church, but also the Spanish speaking residents of Norman, as the Lord has brought Melissa and Luis who have been ministering faithfully for many years now.   

I’m not sure what the Lord has in store for the future of New Generation Baptist Church, but I am convinced that through the faithful obedience of Steve and Lynn here in Norman, Christ has and will fulfill His promise that He will “build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!” I, for one, am a living a testimony of that fact, that through Steve and Lynn and the ministry of New Generation, Christ has laid the foundation of His church in my heart, helping to lead me, like Peter, to a true and genuine profession of faith, that I will (literally) be eternally grateful!  Indeed, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God! (Matthew 16:15-18) 

What kind words from Brother Chris. Lynn and I appreciate those that have supported us through the years in this ministry and elsewhere as we endeavor to see God’s kingdom grow. As I mentioned in the last newsletter, we are making some big changes to the ministry here and I would ask for your continued prayers. I announced to our leadership team that I would be retiring soon and that just as parent birds push their babies from the nest that I wanted them to step up and take the reins of New Generation Baptist Church. This will no doubt take them outside of their comfort zone, but I believe this is a necessary step for the growth of the individuals as well as the Church. If you have any questions pertaining to our transition, please feel free to give me a call. My number is below. 

Again, we appreciate your continued support in the ministry. Thanks! 

New Generation Baptist Church
Luis & Melissa Santos
(832) 513-3505 
724 Fairway Drive 
Norman, OK 73069

Sunday Worship - 10:30am SUN
Bible Study - 7:30pm WED
Prayer service - 7:30pm FRI

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