September 2021 Report

"Renewed Vision"
Post Date: 9/30/2021
Author: Steve Puckett

We thank the Lord for a renewed vision for our Hispanic ministry. We have not pursued this ministry as much as we should have, but now are going to try to rectify our short coming in this area. Our plans include a lot of door-to-door work. We need your help in this work especially if you are fluent in Spanish. We have been encouraged by others in this area who have agreed to help in this outreach. If you are willing to help also, please let me know.

We are planning a block party for Saturday, October 23 as an outreach into the community, working in conjunction with the door to door canvasing. Come and join us on that date as we fellowship with our neighbors. We will be enjoying food, live music, a bounce house and an encouraging message about Jesus! Festivities start at 4:00 p.m.

Chris has been busy performing many of his Evangelism Explosion activities, including trips to Texas to coordinate that ministry there. He will be directing an Evangelism Explosion, Share Your Faith Workshop in Leedy, Oklahoma on October 9. If you are interested in attending that workshop, contact Bro. Chris or Bro. Anthony Pennington. It will be held at Bro. Pennington’s church.

Please join us in praying for Bro. Luis Santos and his wife Melissa as they will be leading in the Hispanic Ministry here at the church. If you would like more information on this work and would like Bro. Luis and Melissa to speak to your group/church, please let me know and I will see what I can arrange.

We praise God for his goodness. If you know of any other people that you think might enjoy this newsletter, please send me their email address and I’ll try to include them in the future. As always, pray for revival.

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