December 2021 Report
Post Date: 12/31/2021
Author: Steve Puckett
We are continuing in our efforts to reach people in the Norman area, Oklahoma, the United States and the entire world, with the good news of the free gift of eternal life. As we ponder the opportunity of giving, we should start our thinking by thinking of God’s gift to us. This should dominate our thinking. But what about others, what is the best thing that we can do for others? We can in fact share the same story with them that we have heard, about the gift of eternal life. We can tell them about how that they can receive peace, the peace that only Jesus Christ can give. Let’s focus on sharing that gift with our friends, neighbors, relatives and loved ones. Don’t be timid, give the good news away.
This is an excerpt from Chris’s monthly report:
It’s hard to believe that 2021 is almost over and we’re almost two years into the pandemic! This Christmas season, I’m very thankful that we’ve had some young visitors come to the church – Natalie and her sister, Evelyn, as well as two other guys, Robert and Charlie. That was this past Sunday and I was glad that Natalie and Charlie decided to come to discipleship group on Wednesday night as well, with 8 of us attending, included Taraz who just dedicated her life to Christ earlier this year, and Deborah, who came to the block party in October!
This Christmas season I’m also thankful for the early Christmas present I received from the LORD of having the honor to help train 66 people in evangelism in a bi-lingual Spanish church in Mercedes, TX, right next to the Mexico border! What a gift it was to teach that many people how to effectively share the reason for the season: why Jesus was born as the “God-baby” – to live a perfect life and die on the cross, to pay our sin debt and purchase the gift of eternal life for us that could only be merited by His perfect righteousness!
Merry Christmas!! And thank you for continuing to support the mission of New Generation, both prayerfully and financially. May God richly bless you this holiday season!
We are continuing to see folks come to faith in Christ. We are pleased that we still have the opportunity in this country to share the gospel freely and openly. I had a great occasion recently to share the good news of salvation with an 86-year-old cousin of mine and he prayed to receive Christ. I believe that the Lord broke down at least two stubborn barriers in doing that. First, he is old! Most people come to faith in Christ at a young age. Second, he was a relative. Relatives are usually the hardest people to receive that gospel, but he did. As a way of encouragement, let me say don’t give up on older folks and relatives. Continue to pray for them and share the gospel with them as you have the opportunity. But be careful, you need to be harmless as doves and wise as serpents in doing so. Use discretion.
Please continue to support and pray for the ministry here. If you know of any other people that you think might enjoy this newsletter, please send me their email address and I’ll try to include them in the future or feel free to forward this to them. As always, pray for revival.