April 2022 Report
Post Date: 4/30/2022
Author: Steve Puckett
Even though our attendance is small, it has been consistent and does not seem to have been affected by the Covid outbreak the last few years. Our tithes and offerings have been fairly consistent also, even though a lot of our income has come from outside sources. I must brag on God; he is so good to us. He supplies over and above all that we need.
We continue to see professions of faith out in the community when we go out. We need to focus more on our discipleship. We plan to redouble our efforts for one-on-one discipleship. We hope to begin a couple of new Bible studies in the near future also, including one in Spanish.
Brothers Chris, Luis and I were able to attend the BMA national meeting in Springfield, MO. recently. It allowed us to have a great time of fellowship on the trip. We also were able to fellowship with other brothers in Christ which was a great encouragement. In addition, we were able to hear some great preaching and music.
This is an excerpt from Brother Chris’ monthly report:
Regarding the national meeting ….We enjoyed the theme for the week, “Preach the Word”, which is the great passion that Luis and I both share and we were even able to share the gospel with a few guys in our hotel lobby together the last night of the conference. They did not receive the gospel, but good gospel seeds were sown!
………….I’m thankful for brother Luis and Melissa who have been faithful to minister in our church for many years now. Luis is not only a hardworking and successful electrician, home renovator, and business owner, he does a good job preaching and Melissa translating and leading worship, and now they are leading a Wednesday night bible study. I think they’re also planning on going through the Spanish version of EE training with me and Pastor Carlos Caceres in May at his church, Good Shepherd Baptist. We will also be hosting a two-day EE training event at our church on June 10-11.
Please continue to pray for brother Chris as he will be on the road teaching Evangelism Explosion both here in Oklahoma and in Texas in the next month. If you or your church would be interested in receiving some evangelism training, please let Bro. Chris or I know and we should be able to help you.
Thank you very much for your prayer and support for the ministry here.