June 2022 Report
Post Date: 6/30/2022
Author: Steve Puckett
It goes without saying, times are hard! But we have an awesome God, who is able to help us through the difficulties of life and life’s problems. Many people need help and we try to help those that we can, but we also know we can’t help everyone. We must be careful that we don’t hurt people in the process of trying to help them. Just giving someone some money doesn’t usually fix the problem, it may in fact exacerbate it. What people need is Jesus. We need to make sure we give them the gospel.
Brothers Chris and Luis continue to share the gospel through preaching on a regular basis. Melissa, Luis’s wife continues to minister in music and in translating Luis’s messages from Spanish to English. Chris and Luis are both planning to start Bible studies in their homes on Wednesday evenings. My wife, Lynn, has been busy in the nursery lately with seven children last Sunday morning.
This is an excerpt from Chris’s monthly report:
……. A young man named Jeremy who moved here from Colorado has also attended our church after Steve led him to a profession of faith a few weeks at Mission Norman and I followed up with him and gave him a ride to church. Unfortunately, Jeremy fell prey to a pay day loan scam that wiped out his checking account. But thankfully the church was able to minister to him both physically and spiritually in his time of need! It’s a reminder that not only evangelism but consistent follow up with new believers is essential so that we do not leave new Christians as spiritual orphans.
I’m thankful that our church remains faithful to minister to the homeless and needy in Norman through our involvement with Mission Norman, Church in the Park, and Food and Shelter for Friends. One powerful testimony I heard recently was from a lady named Natalie who has been faithfully attending with her sister Evelyn since last fall. Natalie has really been growing spiritually over the last several months and just completed an intensive 2-day evangelism clinic with four women from Northeast Baptist and another woman from Tulsa who traveled down for the training that Lester Vogler and I were facilitating ….
Thank you all again for the spiritual and monetary support. You are making a difference through your ministry.