July 2022 Report
Post Date: 7/31/2022
Author: Steve Puckett
Thank you again for the privilege of serving folks in Norman in the name of Jesus on your behalf. I have said for quite awhile that our focus needs to be on evangelism and discipleship. This has not changed as we continue to share the gospel both in our Sunday services and also, out in the community. We have had several professions of faith out in the community. Please continue to pray for us in this regard that we will remain faithful.
Luis made several contacts with Hispanic folks out in the city this week and Chris has made many contacts also. Below is an excerpt from Chris’s monthly report:
…It was very encouraging to see Nancy back at church the past few Sundays! Nancy attended our church for several years before the pandemic and was a volunteer in the apartment outreach at Chapel Ridge. She moved out of town to live with her daughter, but now she’s eager to rejoin our fellowship thankfully!
Lynn has been kept pretty busy with children ministry at our church. Sue has been bringing two girls to church, Serenity and Arianna, and of course there is little Lainey that belongs to Melissa and Luis. With those three, Lynn has her hands full, but it’s of course a good problem to have as it’s always an encouragement to see little ones running around and knowing that they are being brought up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD!
Thank you all again for the spiritual and monetary support. You are making a difference through your ministry at New Generation Baptist Church.