December 2022 Report

"What we take for granted"
Post Date: 12/31/2022
Author: Steve Puckett

Below is an excerpt from Chris’ newsletter for the month:

Sometimes we take it for granted what the LORD does in our midst, even if it is a small a humble event – such as the birth of Jesus! He entered the world as a tiny, cooing little baby! Not the sensational event that you would expect from the King of the Universe! But it was the most extraordinary occurrence that ever happened – the virgin conceived God in her womb through the Holy Spirit and gave birth to Him on a “Silent, Holy Night”. But one day He will rule with all power and authority over all the nations of the earth – going from lowliest humility to highest exaltation!

Well, we don’t have anything sensational to report here at New Generation, but we do have humble yet, beautiful news: there is not much fruit, but still the Lord has entrusted the precious and priceless fruit of souls into our care. Namely, two sisters.

It is coming up on a year that these sisters started attending our church with several of our people. I call them the “soul sisters” because of how tightknit they are! They have gone from homelessness to obtaining a place of their own. They have gone from lostness to salvation. One was saved at a young age but was baptized at our church for the first time this past year. And her sister, received Christ for the first time! Sunday night, one reminded me of what happened to her several months ago. To me, it was a simple sinner’s prayer that I led her in at the end of our Sunday evening service when I noticed that she was feeling depressed. To her, that was her salvation day! Now she is considering baptism! I have noticed both of these sisters growing spiritually over the course of this year. The first one has a Masters degree in social work which is fitting for our church that primarily serves homeless people, and has Microsoft PowerPoint and other computer skills that she is able to utilize to help create and run song lyrics for our Sunday service and has also been helping to organize our songbooks.

As for the other, when she first started coming to our church, she would hardly ever smile. Now we frequently see the beautiful joy of the LORD shine through her face as these sisters have been faithfully attending all of our Sunday and Wednesday services!

We frequently preach the importance of not only evangelism but discipleship. These discipleship efforts were channeled into men’s and women’s bible studies that were launched this past fall. In the men’s group several of us met together when we were all available and in the women’s group several met together also. I frequently remind our church of the “power of one”. That if we will disciple one person in one year and continue doing that every year, we will have discipled 1000 people in 10 years and 1 million people in 20 years! Well we are seeing the “power of one” happening with Sue discipling Natalie and Natalie discipling Evelyn. We just need to pray for the power of “discipleship multiplication” to begin exponentially growing our church in the New Year!

“And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth…” (Luke 1:14)

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