February 2023 Report
Post Date: 2/28/2023
Author: Steve Puckett
Greetings from Norman, Oklahoma. I hope things are going well where ever you may be. Please continue to serve in the ministry as God has called you. We here at New Generation Baptist Church are endeavoring to serve the people in Norman and surrounding communities as we have the opportunity.
We primarily serve in low income and homeless communities. As a general observation, we are noticing more and more people who fall into those categories. I believe that many who would fall into the homeless community especially are suffering from some type of mental disability. I believe that there is a great increase in these numbers within the last few years. I have not done any type of scientific study into this, but only from personal observation have I reached this conclusion.
If you travel north on I-35 before you cross the river bridge as you enter Norman, today there is a large homeless camp to the East. It continues to grow weekly. You might ask, what is the problem. I’m not certain. But this I do know, that we as a culture have abandoned the truth and there is acceleration in our belief of lies. I believe that John 14:6 holds the answer. Jesus is being abandoned by our culture and so are his ways and so is eternal life.
Please pray for us as we continue to work in Norman and as we try to expand our work into Noble and Oklahoma City. We hope that Bro. Luis and Melissa will be able to start a Bible study in the Choctaw area of OKC and that Bro. Chris will be able to start a Bible study in Noble. If any one feels led to work in these fields, please let me know. We would be pleased to have your help.