December 2018 Report

"To those who humbly call on Him"
Post Date: 12/31/2018
Author: Steve Puckett

Here are just a few of the activities for the month -


  • We are continuing to see progress in our apartment ministries
  • We’ve had more visitors this month
  • Several more professions of faith also

This is from Chris’s report –

God loves to give this gift of spiritual riches to those who are “poor in spirit”- to those who humbly call on Him for help. This past month a couple came into the Mission Norman food pantry - The lady told me that she was going to the doctor that day to see if she had cancer (she was experiencing a lot of pain). I shared with her that heaven is a gift. She said that if heaven is a gift, it doesn’t matter how much pain she’s going through because one day she’ll be in heaven with God! With tears streaming, they both prayed to receive the gift of eternal life! Not only that, but I received a call from them later that day to report that there was no cancer! This was a sign and confirmation of God’s love for them!!

Praise God for His mercy and generosity! That He was willing to become a man and pour out His life and blood on the cross, so that we might become spiritually rich! I pray that you've had a very blessed and merry Christmas and I'm looking forward to a new year full of God's blessings as we seek His kingdom!

We are planning on having another Evangelism training semester in the spring. We plan to train on Saturdays, so if you know of anyone who would like evangelism training please give me a call.

Please continue to pray for us! We appreciate your support both prayerfully and financially.

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