February 2019 Report
Post Date: 2/28/2019
Author: Steve Puckett
Here are just a few of the activities for the month -
- More professions of faith
- Additional evangelism training
- Continuation of discipleship
This is from Chris’s report –
One thing that I’m proud of is that we are an “EE church”. We do Evangelism Explosion training that helps people learn how to share the gospel. The heart of EE is simply the gospel and discipleship, which is the heartbeat of our church. So, EE is foundational training for our church and ought to be foundational to any church that desires to be obedient to the Great Commission. The gospel is the power of salvation to everyone who believes and multiplication through discipleship is the power of God to change the world – and EE does both beautifully!
Here’s a couple snapshots of how EE is developing in our church:
We just started a new training semester and we had 10 people attend the “Share Your Faith” workshop, including a college student who also joined and said that she really enjoyed the training!
Last fall we had 2 new students, and this time we had four. Although we’re starting small, it’s exciting to see the principal of multiplication at work. I can’t wait to see how our EE ministry continues to develop and contributes to the health and growth of our church! “Start small, build strong.”
Please pray for us, that God would continue to bring FAT people (Faithful, available, and teachable) to our church. We need many more workers in the harvest here in Norman, OK, but we are trusting God, and asking Him to send more workers according to the prayer He has given us:
“The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the LORD of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.” – Matthew 9:37-38
I believe that God, in His wisdom, is allowing our church to be built on the most firm foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ (learning it, sharing it, and helping others do the same). There can be no other foundation for a New Testament church, if it will stand the test of time, and begin to grow and thrive by God’s grace. A firm foundation is being laid, and LORD willing, multiplication will lead to an explosion of growth of the Lord's church throughout Norman and Oklahoma and beyond. Amen!
“…I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” – Matthew 16:18
Please continue to pray for us! We appreciate your support both prayerfully and financially.