December 2019 Report
Post Date: 12/31/2019
Author: Steve Puckett
This is the monthly report from Chris -
Here at NGB mission, God has given us a front row seat to the devastation in the world caused by sin, and poverty (both physical and spiritual) but he’s also allowing us to see His hand at work where it’s needed most! That’s what He did in the Christmas story. He was born poor, and then He grew up and preached to the poor, so that they might become spiritually rich – “For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.” 2 Cor. 8:9
A few highlights from the month:
Three professions of faith, including a Vietnam veteran needing assistance at Mission Norman, and a woman named Cindy who lost her balance and literally face-planted off the top step of the front door of the Mission! I witnessed the event as I was entering the parking lot and rushed over. Thankfully, she missed the concrete path and landed in the flower bed, got up and dusted herself off with only a little scratch on her cheek. Then she came in, heard the gospel, and received Christ! Praise God! Isn’t that like God? That just when we “lose our balance” and “face-plant”, God is right there to come to our aid!
A few praise reports as well – a woman that I prayed for a few weeks ago came in to report that God had answered her prayer – 9 months after giving birth, her C-section wound had still not closed up, but then two weeks after prayer at Mission Norman, God healed her! Hallelujah!
Another walking miracle was Lynn’s brother-in-law Chapo who came to church a few weeks ago. We had been persistently praying for his life-threatening health condition last fall, and then God allowed us to see His answer to our prayer! (Providentially, Chapo came to church the very day we were preaching on how God answers persistent prayer!) Isn’t God so good?! He loves to encourage us and remind us of His love for us!
Lastly, we had an “evangelism explosion” at the Chapel Ridge apartment kids bible program! In the community room of the office, there were 18 KIDS packed in to hear the bible story of how the angel spoke to Joseph in a dream to tell him that Mary, though a virgin, would give birth to Jesus, who would “save his people from their sins.” The stories of these kids would break your heart, but thankfully they get to hear about the hope of Jesus, the good news that He was born humbly in a manger so that one day he would humbly die on the cross to give them the hope of eternal life!
Other items of interest include:
- We continue to have Brother Luis and Melissa Santos ministering in our bi-lingual services
- Bible studies in the community
- Veterans ministry outreach – we need additional help in this, so if you believe that God would have you help us in this area please contact me (Steve).
Please continue to pray for us! We appreciate your support both prayerfully and financially.