January 2020 Report
Post Date: 1/31/2020
Author: Steve Puckett
This is an excerpt from Chris’s newsletter:
As we begin the New Year, here at NGBC the goal is clear: be “fishers of men”! That’s what Jesus said we would be if we follow him - “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19) As we are faithful to minister in Norman, we are seeing the LORD use us to be just that! And sometimes the result comes unexpectedly. For example, I met Larry several months ago at Mission Norman. Larry is a man that recently moved to Oklahoma from Michigan to live near his son. He worked as an electrician for many years but had a bad electrocution accident that almost killed him. As a result, Larry has bad tremors and heart trouble that prevents him from working and so is dependent on disability income. But Larry loves God, has a good attitude, and a kind heart. And last week he experienced another miraculous divine intervention. He was driving east of Norman when his truck had a blowout on the highway causing his truck to spin around three times, deploy the airbag, and stop in the middle of the highway! Semi’s were whizzing by and he had no lights, but by the grace of God, somehow his truck was able to limp off the highway out of harm’s way! Larry needed a ride back to Norman and I was the only person that Larry could think of to call at 2 am in the morning. The next day I was able to arrange a ride for Larry with Jeff Coles from our church. Then, this past Sunday, Jeff brought Larry to church and Larry took the message to heart of being “Fishers of Men”. He wants to dedicate his life to following Christ! As we follow Christ, we trust that He will make us fishers of men like Larry, who will in turn, Lord willing, become a fisher of men himself!
Other items of interest include:
- Additional professions of faith
- Discipleship opportunities
- Bible studies in the community
- Veterans ministry outreach
Please continue to pray for us! We appreciate your support both prayerfully and financially.