April 2020 Report

"Evangelism outreach is also very much alive!"
Post Date: 4/30/2020
Author: Steve Puckett

Just as Chris mentions in his monthly report below – We are having to adapt to the realities of this new world that we find ourselves in. We are trying to use some of the technologies that we have available to us today to reach a lost and dying world. We are trying to enlarge our borders as we have opportunities. On Easter Sunday we had folks in our services from Arizona, Nevada and communities outside of our normal reach. We hope to continue to enlarge our ministry in this vein.

I have been preaching through a series on prophecy for months and now we find ourselves in the midst of a pestilence. I believe that we are seeing ourselves ramping up to the birth-pains that Christ spoke about. Why should we as Christians be surprised and troubled by these kinds of events. Did not Christ prepare us by telling us in advance that these things were coming, and how that they would increase in frequency and intensity as his coming approached. Lift up your head – your redemption draws near.

Chris’ Monthly Report:

The deadly Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically altered our church and the entire world. Fears surely abound concerning health and the economy throughout the world. The effects may last for months if not longer, but as a church, we are learning to “improvise and adapt”, like Steve and the Army like to say. I believe as a congregation we are transiting well! Praise the LORD! Although the LORD has closed the door for ministry involving face to face contact, we believe He is opening the door for a whole new world of ministry – the internet! The opportunities and possibilities of the internet world are vast - could the LORD be building a virtual congregation that consists of all nations!? Although we find ourselves in what seems to be a dire outlook concerning the effects of the virus, it’s exciting to see what He might be up to, to perhaps bring a renaissance or rebirth of Christianity in world nations out of the desolation caused by the virus!

We already beginning to see the potential of the internet for ministry during this time, and I think the power is only beginning to become unleashed!

For example, by utilizing the zoom video-conferencing app we are now conducting all of our Sunday services online, and currently have 6 midweek meetings established (including a brand new one on Friday) to keep the congregation well connected!

Evangelism outreach is also very much alive! Now we are leveraging contacts from our own networks of friends and family for evangelism prospects. Just this past week we set up a phone conference with Sue’s brother Craig (who I believe lives in Nebraska). He is already a believer but the exercise proved that evangelism and outreach efforts are still possible during this time!

Another powerful internet force that we are learning to utilize is Facebook post-boosting which is basically paid advertising on Facebook. We created a post with a picture of a lighthouse that asks – “Do you have hope?” With just $12.44 invested in a Facebook “boost”, we were able to reach 1,892 people with over 291 post engagements consisting of “likes”, “loves”, “comments”, and “shares”. We may be establishing a new audience online! In the midst of despair, Praise God!

Steve and I are also testing the waters of “YouTube” to share devotions from the scripture. For example, I shared a video about the resurrection that received many likes and comments and over 200 views! Just like Jesus passed through the walls with His resurrection body to appear to His disciples, now He is passing through walls through the internet! Praise the LORD!

Please continue to pray for us! We appreciate your support both prayerfully and financially.

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