May 2020 Report

"Additional evangelism training"
Post Date: 5/31/2020
Author: Steve Puckett

We have started to meet again in the church building, praise the Lord. However, we are also continuing to have our services on-line. We are still having people from outside of our area attending our services. This pandemic has slowed our personal evangelistic efforts but, it also has given us an opportunity to sharpen our skills with additional evangelism training. Chris and I both are taking an on-line Weavers class and an on-line Evangelism Explosion training called Go2020.

The “Weavers” class is centered around story telling. It teaches us methods that Jesus used in his ministry. It can be used for both evangelism and discipleship training. We listen to other people’s stories, then we relate a story of our own which connects with that person’s story and finally we tell a Bible story which ties it all together. There is more to it than that (just an over simplification) but, it’s very straight forward and I believe that it will help us to much improve our discipleship methods.

I am very pleased with the growth I see in some of our people. Several I believe are starting to grasp this idea of growing in their faith. To me, it’s like an adopted child that may come from a dysfunctional family and begin to realize what they have come out of.

Below are some excerpts from Chris’s report:

With the wide range of information and opinions related to the Corona Virus, we have decided to err on the side of caution, and emphasize the importance of personal safety for our church gatherings. We want everyone to feel safe and we have a responsibility as under-shepherds of Christ’s flock to make sure the most vulnerable among us are adequately protected! We believe that the best approach towards this end is to ask everyone to bring and wear a mask, as well as practice social distancing within the sanctuary to prevent the spread of this serious respiratory disease.

Please pray for us! That God will protect us from harm and that we will proceed wisely, and gracefully, with all the heightened tension, fear, and disunity in our nation. And also, productively! That God will use this virus as the means for our church to bring many people to Himself during this time of great uncertainty and confusion – that many hearts will be open to receive the peace that can only be found in Jesus!

Please continue to pray for us! We appreciate your support both prayerfully and financially.

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