August 2020 Report

"The Tale of Two James"
Post Date: 8/31/2020
Author: Steve Puckett

I hope that things are going well for you and your loved ones. I hope that you are staying safe and healthy. We here at New Generation Baptist Church are continuing our in-person and on-line services. Our combined service numbers continue to be holding steady with perhaps a slight trend upwards. Our evangelism and discipleship continue as we are still being active in the community with our work in the food pantry, Church in the Park, and five other Bible studies.

I’ve mentioned this before, but I want to mention it again – Chris and I would be honored to help train you and your Church in methods of evangelism that would suit your Church. If you have any desire to do this please let Chris or I know. My phone number is at the bottom of this newsletter.

I have included an excerpt from Chris’s report:

“The Tale of Two James’”

During the last month, I have seen a very stark contrast between two men named James. One man seems to be filled with hope and a future, and the other, tragically, filled with anger and violence and likely a future in prison.

The older James is a very large man, I would guess about 6’4” and 350 pounds. Two Mondays ago, I asked him if he wanted to come to bible study. In a moment, anger came over him and the very next words out of his mouth were something like – “I’m about to cut a guy, so I guess you better call the police.” Not only did he say that, but I saw him pull a large knife out of a sheath, and then go outside of the building to do just what he said!! Immediately I went to the office and we called the police, but before the police could arrive, James swung the knife and cut the other man on the hand –thankfully it wasn’t a worse injury! The latest I have heard, James was arrested and will likely be charged with assault with a deadly weapon which could lead to a felony charge and years in prison...

The story of the other, younger James is the complete opposite, thankfully! The younger James is currently homeless, but he has been regularly attending our Monday morning bible studies at Food and Shelter. He is very intelligent, has shown some great insight into God’s word, and is trying to do the right thing - for the last 3 weeks, he has been working at McDonald’s and is about to be approved for his own apartment. Praise the LORD!!

Here at the New Generation Mission we’ve just about seen it all! There have been very encouraging stories and then there have been some of the worst! Violence has been increasing in the world because Satan is on the loose, and the battle between good and evil is raging more than ever! But thankfully, although Satan is only trying to steal, kill, and destroy, there’s a sheriff in town, the LORD Jesus, who comes to keep the peace and give us abundant life! His kingdom is growing and expanding! He is rescuing one captive soul after another, saving young men like James by giving them the gift of faith and hope that is so needed during these uncertain times!

James gives ME hope! That God is not done with us yet! A few Fridays ago, at the Church in the Park for the homeless, James said it best when he shared his testimony. The message from the preacher was about Job and at the end of the service James told us that although Job lost everything, he lost more than Job because he lost his faith – he had become an atheist! But now, by the grace of God, James believes, and just a little faith and hope makes all the difference doesn’t it?! Praise the LORD!!

We greatly desire your prayers for us! We appreciate your support both prayerfully and financially.

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