September 2020 Report
Post Date: 9/30/2020
Author: Steve Puckett
Here we are, still experiencing the effects of Covid, but looking for the opportunities that these effects present. We are still reaching out into the community, zooming into the world and sharing the Gospel as we go. We still are seeing folks make professions of faith and training/discipling others. Pray for us that we will continue in this endeavor faithfully.
Let me encourage you as you talk to people to engage them and see if you can pray for them. It’s been my experience that many folks are walking through troubled waters with all of the issues that they are facing and many will welcome the opportunity for someone to pray for/with them. This then may further open the door to discuss more spiritual issues with them. God bless you and good fishing!
I have included an excerpt from Chris’s report:
Jesus said “Go ye therefore, and teach…” (Matthew 28:19). What has been unexpected during this season of the pandemic is the manner by which we are “going”. Instead of calling the mission of Christ the “Great Commission”, maybe we should start calling it the “Zoom commission”, because Zoom has been a very powerful tool for our church!
At the beginning of the pandemic we conducted services totally online using Zoom, never having to cancel services. Then after 8 weeks we were able to move back into the building, but continue providing services online. As a result, overall attendance has increased with online and in-person combined, and we have even had the opportunity to minister to upwards of 10-15 individuals who have joined us online in one service, even from different states!
Jesus said “Go…and teach,” and He also said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” What a surprise to discover that a zoom link makes a good fishing line to cast out to folks and invite them to not only our Sunday services, but also to our bible studies throughout the week! We’re encouraging our people to do just that – lead their own zoom bible studies - we’re up to four now, not including our bible study at Food and Shelter on Monday mornings, and as a result we are ministering to even more people outside the four walls of our church as our people are seeking to go and make disciples themselves!
Please pray for us! We appreciate your support both prayerfully and financially.