Grace Harbor Church

February 2023 Report

"Emphasis on Missions"
Post Date: 2/28/2023
Author: Nathan Brewer

The month of February began with a missions emphasis that we entitled “God’s Heart for the Nations”. We cannot share too much information through a public platform like this, but we can share that our church has increasingly been led by the Lord into deeper and more intentional relationships with Muslim neighbors from Afghanistan. These refugee neighbors are folks who just three years ago were living in a nation closed to the Gospel, and there was very little access for a large number of people to hear the Gospel. Further, God has placed a few indigenous believers in our zip code who are here to make disciples and plant churches among this refugee population. There are most certainly limits to the ways we can communicate and interact with these neighbors. That the Lord has placed a few Afghan believers in our area to reach refugees is miraculous.

So, our church spent a full Sunday- morning and evening- looking at the scriptures about God’s heart for the nations, and also sharing with our folks how we will be supporting the work of these ministries in our zip code. In the evening, we heard from these missionaries and had an authentic afghan meal.

Beyond this, we have about 12 folks who will be attending our membership class on March 19. We have seen a consistent flow of visitors who have stuck with us and desire to make Grace Harbor their church home. Just three weeks ago, we baptized a man who will be joining our church in March.

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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