Grace Harbor Church

April 2019 Report

"Around 100 in attendance for Easter Sunday"
Post Date: 4/30/2019
Author: Nathan Brewer

We had a great Easter Sunday at Grace Harbor Church with around 100 in attendance! As any church is familiar with, as exciting of a day Easter is, it’s not always the most accurate representation of where your church is spiritually or numerically. It is often the Sunday after Easter where the reality hits that the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. My takeaway this year from Easter Sunday is the Easter is a special day for one reason: to celebrate and recognize the sacrifice and power of our risen Savior! Anything beyond that(attendance, powerful worship, etc.) is a blessing from God but it is the resurrection that sustains us as His people.

In light of this, God has allowed us to see some great results and blessing from connections we made on Easter Sunday. We have a man who has begun attending who gave his life to Christ just 8 weeks ago. He has become such a familiar part of our gathering and church and we have had the amazing privilege to begin discipling him and seeing him grow in his faith and walk with Christ. We have also had a couple of other folks who visited that day stick around. Our big Summer is about to kick off in a couple of weeks when we will be hosting three events to intentionally reach into our community with the Gospel of Christ. Our primary goal is to verbally share the Gospel with whoever God brings our way through these events. We will host three events as a bridge to these conversations. These events will provide the opportunity for us to make intentional connections with neighbors and allow us the opportunity to meet some felt needs of neighbors.

We are excited to welcome three separate mission teams from sister churches in the BMA who desire to help us put on these events. Pray for us!

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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