Grace Harbor Church
June 2019 Report
Post Date: 6/30/2019
Author: Nathan Brewer
In June we held our first of three summer outreach events at Harvest Hills Park. Harvest Hills Park sits just one mile from our building and has become a place from which our church has grown to love and serve our community. This was a fantastic event to kick off our Summer Outreach Events as we saw around 200 people come through for free food and fun. We were blessed this night by a group from First Baptist Church of Magnolia, Arkansas. This group provided much needed man-power and presence in order for this event to be all that we prayed it would be. This first event also served an important role as a momentum setter for our upcoming two events in July.
Along with the excitement of these events, we are also excited about taking a few high school students to the annual BMA of Oklahoma State Youth Camp in Binger next week! This is a tremendous blessing that the Lord has brought to us a handful of young people who now have there opportunity to connect with other students in our work.
As we look ahead, we rejoice that the Lord has continued to bring to us several new faces who are passionate about making disciples and living on mission in our community. We know and are convinced of the vision God has for his people through the local church and how this is how he has ordained for people to walk most consistently and faithfully in accordance to his word. The Fall will present several opportunities for us to to continue to live as missionaries in our city. We are eager to see our Community Groups multiply into another neighborhood. Pray for us as we begin to equip our people to see the opportunities God has laid before us!
Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162