Grace Harbor Church

July 2019 Report

"Harvest Hills Park"
Post Date: 7/31/2019
Author: Nathan Brewer

Our July event was a fitting and wonderful end to our Summer Events in Harvest Hills Park. We served around 100 folks that evening and made new connections and re-connections with people we have had the opportunity to serve there in the past. A couple of big things we celebrate from this:

1. Our Missional Outreach Team. This team didn’t even exist 6 months ago, but we knew if these events were going to happen the way we envisioned, we needed a team of people who were passionate about serving the needs of those in our community and who would excel in organizing these events. Now that this team is formed, we plan to continue to utilize their gifts to pray and plan about ways to continue to serve our neighbors in the future. This team will soon begin preparing for our holiday project as we provide Thanksgiving meals to families in our community’s.

2. Prayer and evangelism. God has continued to give us as a church an increasing desire to be near to Him through prayer and to sharing the Good News with those who he placed in our midst. We believe that above all things, our mission here is to share the Gospel with those who don’t know Christ. Our ultimate aim and calling in serving in the park and in our community is to open a door to sharing the Gospel. We have had the opportunity to share the Gospel with individuals this Summer and have begun planting seeds among those God continues to bring to us through these events. We have also had the opportunity to pray with many who we believe are lost, but seeking.

August offers us another opportunity to serve those in our community as we provide essential services to families that are sending kids back to school. Continue to pray for us and for these opportunities, and thank you for your faithful and ongoing partnership in the Gospel.

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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