Grace Harbor Church
October 2019 Report
Post Date: 10/31/2019
Author: Nathan Brewer
In the midst of the busyness of ministry and church planting, it’s always a treat to get together with brothers and sisters in our association. We so enjoyed our time at the BMA of Oklahoma State Associational Meeting at Shady Grove in early October. These events always provide personal opportunities to share about what God is allowing us to see through the ministry of Grace Harbor Church. It reminds us that there are real faces and names behind the prayers we see being answered, and that God has placed us among men and women passionate about seeing the Gospel spread throughout the world.
October was a month of great momentum for us as we launched a new year of midweek community groups. These groups meet in homes throughout the week to build upon relationships with another and with God’s Word. Since launching a brand new group this month, we’ve actually seen participation in groups go up! We believe this to be due to the fact that one of our groups felt nearly maxed out, and launching a new group provided more space and intentionality among members. We believe these groups provide a certain dynamic that contributes to the overall connection people feel with our church, and results in seeing people use their gifts in a smaller, more personal setting. Our hope is that we would be forced to start a new group very soon based out of need and desire of more people wanting to get involved.
The holiday season is approaching and the season always provides a unique opportunity to serve and bless those around us in our community. We take full advantage of this opportunity as we partner with Harvest Hills Elementary to provide meals for families in need over Thanksgiving. God has done amazing things in opening doors for us into the school in our neighborhood!
Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162