Grace Harbor Church

November 2019 Report

"We have much to be thankful for"
Post Date: 11/30/2019
Author: Nathan Brewer

November is one of my favorite months of the whole year. Personally, I enjoy the chill in the air and ramping up of the holiday season. It’s also a month where the folks of Grace Harbor have stepped up to the plate in big ways to serve the community where God has placed us. November helps me see two things clearly:

  1. How much God has given to us and how abundant his blessings are.
  2. How God has called his people to be a generous people, and how his people are obedient to him.

I am amazed by how God uses a season like this to show us more clearly how we are called to be light in this world. Over the past week, we have provided meals for over 20 families in our neighborhood. Two of those families were families of teachers here in our district, one of those families has a 10 month old baby boy in Children’s Hospital, and countless others are families who have recently lost jobs and even family members. We take seriously the opportunity and responsibility we have to help meet physical needs for these families, but we are also aware that many of their greatest need is a personal relationship with Jesus. Though a few families we served are followers of Christ, many of them were not. With each family we served, we prayed for them. We shared with each of them the love our Father has for them and his desire to have a relationship with them. We believe God used this service in our community to plant a seed that he will be faithful in continuing to grow. We believe that because many of these families are families we met at various times over the last 2 years. God has continually brought them across our paths and each time, we take the opportunity to share Christ’s love with them. God has not brought these people to us on accident, we also believe that true regeneration often does not happen in one meeting. We believe God is up to something and that God will draw many people to himself as we continue to remain a lighthouse of truth and love.

This season also reminds me of how much I have to be thankful for. I am thankful for my wife and children, for a wonderful church at Grace Harbor, and for the loving and generous support of our brothers and sisters in the BMAA and BMAO.

A very Happy Thanksgiving to you.

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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