Grace Harbor Church

March 2023 Report

"A really exciting month"
Post Date: 3/31/2023
Author: Nathan Brewer

We had a really exciting month in March. Two weeks ago, we had our first covenant membership class for 2023 and had 19 attend who wanted to hear more about Grace Harbor. We anticipate most of those to take the next step of formally joining. We will have personal meetings with many of them over the next couple of weeks to hear about their desire to join, their testimony of coming to faith, and their baptism. From there, we will bring those who join in front of our church body to welcome them, followed by a time of worship and lunch together on a Family Sunday.

That evening, Grace Harbor was the host location for a local “Nowruz” celebration. Nowruz is the Persian New Year, and many of our Afghan Refugee neighbors celebrate this. We have a Christian Afghan family in our community who decided that a good way to minister to these Muslim neighbors would be to invite them to this celebration. There were about 40 Muslim neighbors with us that night: men, women, and children. There was a great, authentic, Afghan meal. More importantly, our Christian Afghan Brother preached a message from Psalm 19 to a captive audience. The end of Psalm 19 speaks of the great redeemer, and our brother shared clearly a Gospel message about this redeemer- that salvation is only through him. Evangelizing and Ministering to Muslims who have never heard this Gospel message is much different than many of the methods that are utilized in a culture where there is at least slight awareness, so it was very much a seed-planting evening. We are confident in the Gospel’s power to save, and are praying for the Lord to save!

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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