Grace Harbor Church

June 2020 Report

"Hoping to put on one large summer event"
Post Date: 6/30/2020
Author: Nathan Brewer

We have now been gathering in person for 6 weeks. Several of our folks have chosen to remain socially distanced and have not yet returned to in person gathering, but a good percentage of our folks have returned. We have about 20 kids from the ages of 0-10 in our church. This age group is typically a group where Sunday morning classes are available, but because of the pandemic, we have had to limit our classroom size for kids aged 1-3. This sounds crazy, but the children in our church age 4 and up have done a phenomenal job participating and engaging in our Sunday morning worship service!

June is typically the month where many of our community outreach and evangelism efforts would be taking place, but as you might assume we are not having these scheduled events throughout the summer. Our June event in local park has become a staple in our community and has been the avenue through which we have met several people and developed meaningful relationships. This event is also made possible by groups bringing students and adults who wish to get a first hand experience with national missions and church planting. Those are also trips that have been affected by the virus!

Our hope is that we will put on one large summer event in August. Our goal will be to meet needs of students returning to school by providing supplies as well as putting on a family event that will draw in hundreds of neighbors! As always, we take time at these events to share the gospel with folks and pray for specific needs. We are hopeful that the city will allow us to put this event on in the park where we have established a presence. Pray with us towards this!

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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