Grace Harbor Church
July 2020 Report
Post Date: 7/31/2020
Author: Nathan Brewer
As I have shared in the most recent reports, Summer is a key time for Grace Harbor Church in our outreach and community efforts. The neighborhood around us has grown accustomed to events that help connect with them with the community around them, as well as with being intentionally prayed with and prayed for. As you know, COVID-19 has affected all of these things. I do not know however that I would consider it as a “hindrance” to ministry, rather it has created the need for us to be much more intentional and calculated with personal conversations and interactions. With all of the uncertainty, being tied closer to home over these months has actually created more opportunities and open doors to share the Gospel with neighbors right where we live. Personally, I have had the opportunity to share the Gospel with 4 neighbors that I have grown in trust and relationship with. 2 of those are neighbors I know for certain who have no relationship with Christ. Pray with me for Mateo and Scott, as well as a few others who God is opening a door to share more explicitly with.
Along with the unusual Summer we are experiencing, we are also praying and working towards potentially purchasing the building where we currently hold our Sunday services. We have been in this building since April of 2018, and an opportunity has arisen to purchase the building and make it our permanent home. We have submitted all necessary paperwork to be considered as the buyer, and are now waiting to receive a response from the seller. Please pray with us, ultimately that we would be at peace and in submission to the Lord’s will for us as a church, but also that this may be an opportunity that comes together for us. We see being able to remain in where we have established ourselves in this community as a very positive thing. We are grateful for how the BMA has supported us as an association over these first few years.
Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162