Grace Harbor Church

November 2020 Report

"Movie Night"
Post Date: 11/30/2020
Author: Nathan Brewer

The great weather held on just long enough for us to host a movie night in the park at the local park where we have worked to establish a consistent presence. We partnered with the PTO of the local elementary school to put on a much needed night for the community to get out of the house and enjoy some socializing. We strive for this particular event to be a very simple and laid back time and have not found it to be an effective time for us to connect deeply with our neighbors. But we have found creative ways to get the word about our church and invite folks who attend the event to join us for worship. We had around 40 folks join us for this event.

Through the rest of the month of November, we partnered with a few local organizations to help meet the physical needs of citizens in our city. Given the very challenging circumstances of this year, the need has been great. The challenge is also unique in that the majority of those who we are serving are unable to have personal interaction with us. This time of year is usually the time that we are able to pray with and minister to dozens of families who God brings across our path. There have been a few exceptions to that, including the opportunity we have had topiary with and provide resources to a local foster family.

On November 4, we held our quarterly “Family Sunday”. This is a day of such celebration as we baptize, welcome new members, and commission parents of newborns. We had one baptism and welcomed 8 new members into our church body.

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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