Grace Harbor Church

February 2021 Report

"Cling to the Promises of the Lord"
Post Date: 2/28/2021
Author: Nathan Brewer

It is hard to believe that February has come and gone. My prayer is that we are standing on the cusp of a season of ministry where we will see the fruit of the hard and gritty work we have done over the last year as we have experienced what we have. So many fellow pastors and believers are discouraged and just weary. I will remind you that our Lord is not discouraged nor weary, and is control of all things. Needless to say, many of us feel the weight and reality of our own limitation in a way we never have before. The Lord never promised ease to us, so it is not that for which I necessarily long. But I do trust and cling to the promise of the lord to bless those who serve him, even and especially if that be a deeper and greater sense of assurance and provision.

I believe that Grace Harbor is in a season of growth right now. Since October and all the way through November, we have had 6 new families begin regularly attending, many of who were either not in a church prior, or had just moved into OKC. We have loved welcoming these families and seeing them get plugged in with our ministry. It is not only numerical growth we are experiencing, but also discipleship and a greater willingness of our folks to recognize and utilize their gifting to strengthen the body of Christ. From one of our ladies sensing a prompting by the spirit to lead a prayer ministry in our church, to another of our ladies helping us initiate our first official local partnership within our zip code, to ordaining and installing our first elder in just two weeks, the Lord is showing us the fruit of our labor in being intentional in discipleship and prayer. Before the pandemic, we were very active in our community with outreach. At that time, we had what feels like a completely different congregation. As the Lord has brought more folks to us, the new folks are folks that have a passion to see the lost come to know Christ and to serve the community around us. I could not be more excited about the opportunities that lie ahead of us as we continue to seek to be a light in our community. We gather right now with four of our men every Tuesday to grow and train in evangelism, and are actively praying for the lost. We believe God will save souls this year!

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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