Grace Harbor Church

March 2021 Report

"We formally ordained Thomas Mobly into the ministry"
Post Date: 3/31/2021
Author: Nathan Brewer

March was an eventful and exciting month for us as we formally ordained Thomas Mobly into the ministry as a church, as well as installed him as an elder of Grace Harbor. We were told early on that one of the few important milestones in a new church is that it has the ability to become self governing. Thomas is one whose life has been in the view of those who are part of Grace Harbor for several years now. Thomas has very much functioned as a pastor and shepherd of those God has brought to us, but we believe there is significance in the recognition and formality of what we were able to do just a few weeks ago. What I found significant is that it served as a discipleship opportunity. Starting way back in August of 2020 all the way up to just last month, we took time to preach through the book of 1 Timothy. We believe that the Word is the primary discipleship resource, so preaching plays a large part in our hearts and minds being formed. We took time to walk through the book to understand what the purpose of the church is, the qualifications of en elder, the call for young pastors to lean into their calling, and then the church’s responsibility to elders and in rising elders up. Beyond that, our folks were able to witness(many for the first time as new believers) the Lord’s calling and faithfulness in raising up men to shepherd the church. I also think this will be the beginning of seeing several other men step into the role of pastor/elder at Grace Harbor. We shared with our church that we feel compelled to immediately begin praying for and pouring into other men that would sense this call of God on their life.

We anticipate the months ahead to be a fruitful time in being out in our community, praying for, and sharing the Gospel with neighbors. As challenging as the last year has been in really connecting deeply with people, we believe the Lord is going to give us a big opportunity to see many find hope and trust in Christ!

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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