Grace Harbor Church
September 2021 Report
Post Date: 9/30/2021
Author: Nathan Brewer
September was a a very exciting and busy month for us at Grace Harbor as we began a new year of Grace Harbor Community Groups! It is hard to think that just 3 years ago, we were a church of about 15 folks that made up one Community Group, and now we have 5 community groups with nearly 50 people who are faithful and active in this ministry. It is through these CG’s that we desire to see the primary discipleship happening in our church. 4 out 7 nights of the week, we have a group of folks somewhere around our city meeting in a community group, studying scripture together, praying, fellowshipping. This excites us very much, and we believe it to be one one strategic way we can share Christ’s love and reach our city, and grow with one another as a church.
This time of year is always a favorite of ours as we seek how to serve our community through the holidays. Pray with us that we will be able to bless families in a big way this Thanksgiving.
Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162