Grace Harbor Church

April 2023 Report

"I have a question!"
Post Date: 4/30/2023
Author: Nathan Brewer

I have a question: how do you respond to the question “how are things going at the church?”? If you’re a pastor, you’ve been asked this question a thousand times. I was asked the question a dozen or so times this week at the meeting. It is a very good question, and one we ought to be prepared to answer at any given time. It is the question that lies behind the report I submit each month to the BMA of Oklahoma, and I count it a remarkable privilege to report to those who are faithfully supporting God’s work in OKC.

Admittedly, this also can be a tiresome question. There is always the tendency to embellish things. Of more relevance is the tendency to be unsettled with the “ordinary”. I don’t think it is the ordinary that is typically the kind of information people are expecting to hear. But the ordinary is the season we find ourselves in as a church at the moment. We are walking with married couples through challenges, we are welcoming babies, we are walking with a young man who has been a Christian for several years and is just now starting to hunger for the Word and needs discipleship. What I have come to really cherish is that God is pleased with the ordinary. He is pleased with a pastor and congregation who shepherd and minister to one another. He is not exclusively pleased with a numerical increase, but ordinary faithfulness. I love Peter’s exhortation to the elders in his first letter: “Shepherd the flock of God that is among you.” I took great joy this week responding to the question with “we are enjoying the ordinary”. The cool thing about that answer is that it resonates with every single pastor.

What we are excited about this month is that we had over 100 folks gather with us on Easter Sunday, and we will welcome 13 new members to Grace Harbor this Sunday.

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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