Grace Harbor Church
November 2024 Report
Post Date: 12/1/2024
Author: Nathan Brewer
It seems that October and November ran together in many ways. October concluded with one of our two Family Sundays that we hold throughout the year. The Fall Family Sunday always falls on the Sunday that we celebrate our church’s birthday: this year was #7! We praise God for that fact and for the faithful and generous partnership of the churches of the BMA of Oklahoma. That Sunday, we baptized 5 folks who recently came to faith in Christ, welcomed 15 new members, and about ten new babies to parents in our church. It was a glorious time of celebration and worship.
Our church body continues to grow numerically and spiritually. Many among us are leading the way in vital, pertinent areas of ministry in our community and city.
Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162