Grace Harbor Church

November 2023 Report

"Blessings and great fellowship"
Post Date: 12/1/2023
Author: Nathan Brewer

It is hard to believe another year is coming to an end, and that a new year is nearly upon us. November was filled with blessings and great fellowship among our people. We also have had a couple of new families visiting with us. Three weeks ago, we held our very first GH Chili Cook-off for Thanksgiving and it was a huge hit!This Sunday, we will be installing two men as elders/pastors in our church and that is such an exciting moment for the life of our church. We are teaching and communicating with our people God’s vision and design as is laid out in the scriptures for each local church to be led by a plurality of men who are pastors and shepherds. After these two men are installed, our church will be blessed to have 4 elders who are committed to shepherding our people through knowing, feeding, leading, and protecting our people.As we move ever more closely to being a self-sustaining, self-governing local church, these are significant steps towards that end. The support of the churches of the BMA of Oklahoma has been the primary vehicle which God has used to get us to where we are, and we are so appreciative for the commitment to planting churches in Oklahoma as the sole purpose for why our association exists.

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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