Grace Harbor Church

July 2022 Report

"Our First Summer Club"
Post Date: 7/31/2022
Author: Nathan Brewer

This month, we held our first Summer Club. Summer Club is our version of a VBS where we invite kids to join us for a few days of intentional teaching and connection with God and one another. We had 49 children attend and over 20 adults serve that week, and that was with no promotion and only word of mouth/personal invitations.

12 of those 49 were our neighbors from Afghanistan who are living in OKC as refugees from the turmoil in their home country. The Bible’s teaching and our position at Grace Harbor is clear: God has sovereignly brought these neighbors to live where they live, when they live so that they may come to know God, and it is our hope to serve and love them well! That week, 12 grade school aged kids and about 15 of their family members heard the Gospel presented, though a very strong language barrier exists. At one point, we even had the kids repeating over and over “Jesus is Lord, God loves me.”

As I write this at 1:37am, I am in the waiting room with two of my Afghan neighbors as one of their family members is being operated on. They have thanked me over and over again for being her with them, and at one point became very apologetic. As challenging as it is to communicate with them on a basic level(much less finding ways to share the Gospel with them), there are certain times where it seems God is creating a unique moment for intentional conversation. Upon their apologies, I was able to locate a translation of the scriptures in their exact language. I found 1 John 3:11-18 and texted it to one of the men. I told him not to be sorry, that this was what Christ followers do. It was a surreal moment seeing a man who just 10 months ago had likely never met a Christian or heard the Gospel now sitting reading a large chunk of God’s Word in a text about Christ’s love right in front of me.

Pray for them with me!

Grace Harbor Church
(405) 698-2352
11300 N. Council Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

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